Blenders and Basics
Blocks of the Month
By Collection
Christmas Corner
Clover & Dot by Cluck Cluck Sew
Cuddle by Shannon Fabrics
Kids Corner
Sports Teams
Strength in Lavendar
Sundance by Crystal Manning
Tranquility by Henry Glass
Wide Backings
Wild Harvest by Northcott
Summerstone by Kaufman
Solitaire Whites - MAS16006-SW
Solitaire Whites - MAS207-SW
Solitaire Whites - MAS214-UW
Essentials Vintage Texture Sky Blue 1077 89233 144
Essentials Whimsy Gray 3045 75509 991
Collecting Fabric Panel - Single panel
Pen and Ink 118" wide - SEF6912-67
University of Washington - SYKCCPWA1164
University of Washington - SYKCCPWA1178
Essentials Vintage Texture - Forest Green 89233 779
Essentials Dry Brush - Citrus Bright Green 89205 770
Bella Solids Bettys Teal 9900 126
Little Lambies Woolies Flannel - masf18510-wk
Grey Spatter Texture 108in Wide Back - 7127-900
108" Dry Brush by Wilmington - Dark Blue - 1055 7213 449
Extra Wide Solid Cuddle 3 Gunmetal - 90"
Extra Wide Solid Cuddle 3 Chocolate - 90"
Imagine Dashing Rainbow - White 12165-white
$8.99 $10.99
Spotted Bouquet - Gold C10844- Teal
Spotted Bouquet - Gold C10844-Gold
Sunshine Blvd Stripes - White 12103 - navy
Sunshine Blvd Stripes - White 12103-white
Zephyr Block of the Month - 96" x 102"
Dark Brown Dry Brush - 89205-292
Blue/Black Dry Brush - 89205-494
Dark Chocolate Dry Brush - 89205-299
Medium Brown Dry Brush - 89205-290
Guess How Much I Love You 24" Panel CLTY3682-87
Cuddle 3 Solids 90" Wide - SILVER
Black Watercolor Texture - 13408-999